981 Hopewell Rd Felicity, Ohio 45120
981 Hopewell Rd Felicity, Ohio 45120
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Residents of Franklin Township, Clermont County and other interested parties are hereby notified that the 2024 annual financial report for Franklin Township, Clermont County has been completed, forwarded to the Ohio State Auditor, and is available for inspection during normal business hours.
Franklin Township, Clermont County hereby gives notice of all resolutions recently passed by the Township. The complete text of each such resolution may be obtained or viewed at the office of Franklin Township, 981 Hopewell Road, Felicity, Ohio 45120, by appointment. Please call 513-876-2077.
Genia Bruan
Fiscal Officer
Posted 1/21/2025
Public Notice
Franklin Township, Board of Zoning Appeals
(This meeting was moved due to multiple board members being ill.)
The BZA will meet at 7:00pm at the Franklin Township Offices (Hopewell Road, Felicity, Ohio 45120) on Thursday, February 13 2025, to hear the following cases.
An application has been filed by Steven Johnson on behalf of Amber Johnson for a hearing before the Board of Zoning Appeals of Franklin Township requesting a variance to Article 5 Section 500-2 Accessory Buildings and Uses for parcel# 082122B008, located at 397 Felicity-Higginsport Rd, Felicity Ohio 45120.
The applicant is SEEKING build a 4,448sqft accessory structure to
include an accessory dwelling
Next meeting date: 3/13/2025
Posted 1/24/2025
Board of Zoning Appeals
Public Notice
Franklin Township, Zoning Commission
The Zoning Commission will meet at 7:00pm at the Franklin Township Offices (Hopewell Road, Felicity, Ohio 45120) on Thursday, February 20 2025 to hear the following cases.
This meeting has been canceled because there are no scheduled cases.
Next meeting date 3/20/2025
Posted 2/12/2025
Zoning Commission
Public Notice
Franklin Township Board of Trustee Meetings 2025
The Board of Trustees regular meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm at the Franklin Township Offices (Hopewell Road, Felicity, Ohio 45120). This meeting will be preceded by a work session at 6:30pm.
Jan. 8th July 2nd
Feb. 5th Aug. 6th
March 5th Sept. 3rd
April 2nd Oct. 1st
May 7th Nov. 5th
June 4th Dec.3rd
Any changes to meeting dates, emergency meetings, and special meetings will be posted at the Twp. Office, the Felicity
Post-Office, and on this website.
Posted 12/10/2024
Franklin Township Trustees
981 Hopewell Road, Felicity
P.O. Box 312
Office Hours:
Monday - 8:30 - 2:00
Tuesday - 8:30 - 2:00
Wednesday - 8:30 - 2:00
Thursday - 8:30 - 2:00
Friday - Closed
Saturday - Closed
Sunday - Closed
Board meetings are scheduled for the 1st Wednesday of every month at 7:00 PM. (All Public Participants must be on the agenda to speak at meeting with a 5-minute limit).
Chris Smith, Trustee (Chair)
Terry Wilson, Trustee (Vice-Chair)
Billy Hazelbaker (Trustee)
Genia Bruan, Fiscal Officer
981 Hopewell Rd, Felicity, Ohio 45120, United States